Commonly asked questions

How do I return the Sixaola to “wizard” mode?

ssh into the Sixaola and follow these steps

$ cd /opt/bin/
$ ./wizardMode.set m /opt/settings/wizard/

I forgot the password for the web frontend, can I reset it?

If you can still enter via ssh, then yes:

$ blueconf

Choose option “E”, then “N”. At “Security”, put the new password, for example:

**** Security ****

                Web User Name : osop
                Web Password [****] : osop

Choose “S” for Save and “Q” for “Quit or Restart”. Then “y” to restart the Sixaola. Once the Sixaola has restarted and come back online, you should be able to enter the web interface with the new password.

How do I recover lost data?

Imagine your Sixaola is configured for SeedLink Streamer Mode and there is a tranmission problem and you lost some data.

Now you would like to recover that data.

At 100 sps, there is roughly 30/45 minutes of data saved to disk in the SeedLink buffer. When the station comes back online you can see how much data is in the SeedLink buffer using slinktool:

From a remote server to the Sixaola:

$ slinktool -Q [IP]:[Port]

From inside the Sixaola:

$ slinktool -Q :[Port]

For example, this Sixaola has data in the SeedLink buffer from 2014/05/06 17:21 to 2014/05/06 18:18

$ slinktool -Q
PA BRU2     EHE D 2014/05/06 17:21:02.2390  -  2014/05/06 18:18:13.6590
PA BRU2     EHN D 2014/05/06 17:21:02.2390  -  2014/05/06 18:18:13.6590
PA BRU2     EHZ D 2014/05/06 17:21:02.2390  -  2014/05/06 18:18:13.6590
PA BRU2     ENE D 2014/05/06 17:21:01.5040  -  2014/05/06 18:18:11.6690
PA BRU2     ENN D 2014/05/06 17:21:03.1990  -  2014/05/06 18:18:13.8340
PA BRU2     ENZ D 2014/05/06 17:21:01.5040  -  2014/05/06 18:18:11.6690

To retrieve the data as a multiplexed miniSEED binary file, you can also use slinktool,

$slinktool -S "PA_BRU2:???.D" -tw 2014,05,06,17,30,00:2014,05,06,18,00,00 -o sixaola.mseed

Why is the Sixaola in a plastic box?

The Sixaola plastic box traces its origin back to when the United States Geological Survey’s Cascade Volcano Observatory asked OSOP to design a short-period seismometer with no exposed metal.

OSOP also offers IP66 metallic enclosures at additional cost. See Hardware: Other Accessories for more details.

The plastic box is guaranteed for the life of the instrument. If the plastic box breaks, we will replace it, no questions asked. See Warranty for more details.

Can I update my older versions of the Sixaola to a more recent version?

No, that would not be possible. Previous versions of the Sixaola use different electronics and software. With Sixaola3, Sixaola entered a completely new paradigm.

Is the Sixaola IPv6 compatible?

Theoretically, yes. But this has not been tested. We would, however, be happy to test this if and when a client requested.

How much bandwidth does the Sixaola consume?

At 100 sps, each channel consumes approximately 20 MB/ day.

That works out to ~2000 bit/ second or 2 KB/ second.

How do I generate dataless and RESP files for my Sixaola?

PDCC and rdseed are both available from the IRIS DMC.

Actually, as of software update 15.11.01, this is a lot easier: Just open the web front in, sign in and click on the “Download instrument response button” the “Settings Overview” and “Instrumentation” tabs.