
100x rule

According to the Ringler’s recommendations, if you want to resolve a frequency, you have to robustly average ~100 coefficients for that frequency which are independent, that is, coming from different time windows.

Also: “A rule of thumb is that the required sample duration should be 100 times the longest period needed to be measured.” For SPs that is 2 seconds or a few minutes. For LPs that might be 1000s or a little over one day. SRC: (from


International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks Resources:

Fast Fourier Transform

miniSEED is the subset of the SEED standard that is used for time series data. Resources:

Pavlis method
After Pavlis and Vernon (1994). See Recommended background reading
Poles and zeros

A RESP-formatted text file contains instrument response values including poles, zeros and gain. Resources:


Restore means the following:

For each frequency:

  • Build 1-D arrays of spectra coefficients for the unknown input and the known input; elements correspond to that particular frequency, but to different time windows;
  • Elementwise, divide the first array by the second; and
  • Robustly average the resulting array over all the the time windows to get the transfer function coefficient.
robustly average
A statistical method of parameter estimation which does not favor outliers. Best described here: Chave and Thomson (1989). Also available here: