Episensor FBA ES-T#
Hardware configuration for 2.5V Output (10V Differential)#
Note the positions of Headers (jumpers) X9, X14 and X19.


X9 & X19#
Idle Tones#
Idle tones can (and usually do) occur when the signal offset from “ground” is small. By “small” we mean under 5 mV. Apparently, the Episensor keeps it’s offset low.
If you notice an idle tone on an channel, these can be removed by adjusting the Episensor’s DC offset. This can be done using the Episensor’s “zero adjustment” possibility. With that, you can add a small amount of DC offset and the idle tones should go away. The adjustment is explained in the Episensor manual. Trial and error will be needed to fully remove the idle tone.

Location of vertical channel potentiometer#